Altitude Sickness. What is it and can I prevent it?

Altitude sickness: What is it? And how can I prevent it? - By Mountain People treks in Nepal

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is an altitude sickness. You can get this sickness when you are at high altitude. Even though you can’t completely prevent getting sick, you can reduce the risks to a minimum. Learn the symptoms and how you can prevent altitude sickness. Because then you can enjoy your time in the mountains […]

Must read travel books for your upcoming Nepal trek

Must read travel books - By Mountain people

Have you just booked your first trip to Nepal? Or, are you looking for something to spend your time with in a mountain lodge after a long trekking day? Travel books are the answer. Here are some of the must read Nepal related travel books, recommended by both our guests and ourselves. Is there a […]




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